Cervical or Lumbar
Many procedures involving both the neck and the low back require and do best when Physical Therapy is an integral part of recovery. If you are experiencing cervical or lower back pain you may in fact benefit from intervention of therapy. Common complaints of cervical problems are localized neck pain, associated shoulder pain. lateral arm pain, elbow pain, hand/wrist pain, numbness and tingling, headaches, and/or bouts of nausea. All of which may be associated with cervical problems. Common problems which can respond to treatment of therapy include Degenerative Disc Disease, Disc Bulges, Foraminal Compression, Radiculitis, Radiculopathy, Neck Strain/Sprain, or Chronic Headaches.
If you have attempted conservative treatment of physical therapy without benefit prior to surgical intervention, you may and still benefit from intervention of post-op treatment. Common cervical procedures include Neck Fusions, Laminectomies, Foraminal Decompression,